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Since it is summer, it is time to talk about one of the Filipino’s favorite dessert during this season. Halo Halo is a refreshing dish featuring layers of shaved ice and condensed milk on top of all sorts of ingredients like jellies, flan, macapuno, palm seeds, sweetened red beans, shaved ice, ube ice cream, fresh

How I Make Cheese Foam Cold Brew

I had a leftover cold brew from last time’s Vietnamese Cold Brew and I didn’t want that to put to waste. As much as possible, we’re gonna utilize all the leftovers here in our house.  But when it comes to cold brew, that isn’t a problem because my husband and I are coffee addicts. Coffee

Happy National Strawberry Day!

February isn’t just the season for Valentine. It’s also the month when we celebrate another heart-shaped and red-colored thing. Since February is also the harvest season for strawberries, we celebrate National Strawberry Day, happening every 27th day of the month! Strawberries have been around since the early 18th century, and ever since then they have

Korean Corndogs

In the western part of the world, corndog is known to be a sausage on stick that is coated with a thick layer of cornmeal batter. But Asians has a different view on corndogs. Instead of a having a smooth doughnut-like outer layer, the Asian corndogs, which is popularized by Korea, has a mozzarella filling

Our First Fine Dining Experience At Antonio’s

One of the best gifts we received from our wedding is a fine dining treat at Antonio’s from our friends. They totally know how my husband and I love to explore anything about food. But beyond that, it’s Antonio’s! It isn’t just a casual restaurant. It’s one of the top 100 restaurants in Asia since

How I Make Mac N’ Cheese Poutine

Today, we have a leftover Mac N’ Cheese from last week’s Three Cheese Mac N’ Cheese Pizza and I’m planning to top it on fries. I thought of Canadian Poutine so I would like to add some gravy, too, but instead of cheese curds, we put the Mac N’ Cheese for that cheesy craze. It’s

How I Make Strawberry Shortcake Trifle

Before the strawberry season comes to an end, I would like to use my leftover strawberries to make a different strawberry dessert this time. You know I always have stocks of these pink berries for the Strawberry Cream Cheese Sando and Strawberry Milk I’m selling. Today, I want my kitchen to see something new so

Lake Mapanuepe: The New Zealand Of Zambales

Lake Mapanuepe is the next favorite destination of nature lovers, campers, off-roaders and tourists. Thanks to TikTok! Because of the green landscape that blends with the emerald lake, Mapanuepe Lake is branded as the New Zealand of Zambales. It is indeed a perfect spot for camping. However, behind the beauty it holds, Lake Mapanuepe hides