Category: Eats around the World

It’s National Mocha Day!

September 29 is the favorite day of the year for many coffee maniacs in the United States because two holidays dedicated to coffee are celebrated on this day. One of them is the National Mocha Day! Cafe mocha, also known as mocaccino, is an American variant of a cafe latte that originated from Yemen. It is

Philippine Biscuits

The need for nutritious, easy-to-store, easy-to-carry, and long-lasting foods wasn’t solved until biscuits existed into this world. And because there is a wide variety of biscuits nowadays, the idea of making it came into the Philippines. And guess what! We added a lot to those varieties which we can claim as Filipino delicacies – unique,

Philippines Candies

Covered with catchy wrappers, candies are one of the favorites of the kids. I heard that some kids get coins from their mother’s pouch or father’s wallet just to buy candies they like. Candies are just one of the little essentials of children, even teens and adults. They can’t just resist indulging their favorite treat, right, guys?