How To Make Brazilian Chocolate Truffles

I’m no expert to Brazilian cuisine so, please, do not expect these chocolate truffles to be authentic. I just watched this simple clip of making Brigadeiros on the net and I instantly think of creating this sweet delight at home. After all, there are no Chocolate Truffles available in where I live. Plus, I have stocks of condensed milk in our cupboard. I think, that is enough reason to do a remake and to have my own version of Brigadeiros.

Since it is your first time to hear it, you might be asking what is Brigadeiros and why should I take time making these balls. Brigadeiro is a traditional dessert and popular confection throughout the country of Brazil, especially for festive events. It is commonly made at home and also found in bakeries and snack shops.

Once you see this, you would think that it is possible to crave something you’ve never had before.

1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.

  • 1/2 tbsp butter
  • 150 grams condensed milk
  • 3 tbsps cocoa powder
  • sprinkles

2. Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat.

3. Pour condensed milk while stirring continuously.

4. Stir and add the cocoa powder.

5. Cook until the mixture becomes thick.

6. Pour in a greased bowl.

7. Scoop and spoonful and make small balls.

8. Roll over a plate of sprinkles. You can also use chopped nuts or powdered sugar as coating.

9. Chill overnight.

10. Your Brigadeiros are now done and ready to be served.

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