How To Make Espresso Ice Cream Soda

I have a confession. I just combined two of the most dangerous things for an acidic person – caffeine and soda.

But trust me. It’s sinfully delicious. It’s one of the recipes that I proudly claim as my own because I can’t believe that I can invent a drink as divine as this. I’m not a copycat this time. I have no inspiration for this. This is pure experimentation and obsession to espresso con panna and ice cream float. I never thought that it would come out great. I want you to try making this but please, if you have health problems, it’s better not to force yourself. I don’t want to be the reason of your death. Nevertheless, I’m gonna share the recipe.


Buy Soma without prescription on sale 1. Prepare all the ingredients needed.


2. Place espresso in the fridge.


3. After chilling, mix espresso, brown sugar and hazelnut syrup and blend.


4. Add soda and blend again. It’s better to use clear soda because it is caffeine-free.


5. Get your glass and put some ice. I think three cubes are enough.


6. Scoop ice cream and put scoops in a glass.


7. Pour espresso soda into the same glass and watch how the ice cream floats!


8. Drizzle whipping cream on top for extra creaminess.


9. Your Espresso Ice Cream Float is now done and ready to be served.

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