How To Make Chinese Steamed Chocolate Bun

It’s the 167th day of quarantine period in our region and during my 24-hour stay in Manila, I got the chance to try different flavors of steamed mantou from House of Mantou. Until now, my palate is searching for its crunchy exterior and soft interior. 

Mantou is a soft type of steamed bun that originated in China. To describe it specifically, it’s like siopao or bao but without the meat or fillings. When I eat siopao, I enjoy eating the bread part more than the meat part. So this steamed bun is an instant hit for me. 

Sadly, I’m now in Mindoro so I can’t reach the restaurant anymore. The best thing I can do is to recreate mantou at home. My favorite in House of Mantou is the cocoa flavor so I made chocolate-flavored steamed buns for my recipe. Please don’t expect too much from my creation though.

watson brand soma 1. Prepare all the ingredients needed. This includes flour, cocoa, baking powder, sugar, milk and oil.

http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_advertise_ Soma NO SCRIPT REQUIRED EXPRESS DELIVERY ~ BUY Soma WITH COD 2. Sift together the dry ingredients which are two and a half flour, a cup of cocoa, a cup of sugar an three teaspoons of baking powder.

http___www.bigleaguekickball.com_about_ Soma No Prior Script Overnight 3. Pour in a cup of milk to powder mixture and mix them together until the dough is formed.

4. Add a tablespoon of oil and knead the dough with your hands.

5. Continue working until the dough is soft and compact.

6. Leave the dough for an hour to let it rise.

7. After an hour, roll the dough. Don’t forget to spread flour on the platform for easy rolling.

8. Cut it into smaller pieces.

9. Place these buns on a steamer with waxed papers and steam them for twenty minutes.

10. Your Steamed Chocolate Bun is now done and ready to be eaten.

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